Inspections for the day of: Friday, July 7, 2017.
Number of inspections: 8
Percentage of inspections complete: 100 %
Percentage of inspections not complete: 0 %
Contact Information
InspectorTroy Cobbley
Phone #794-9483
Permit NumberDescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDisposition 
FIR16-00821 INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 3:12:58 PMPPART
The upright heads have been centered but piping can not be covered until I have as-builts and the general contractor has filled the combustible concealed spaces with insulation as discussed
FIR17-00080 INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in/Hydro7/7/20177/7/20177/7/2017 1:48:44 PMPPASS
24 hour air test for system 1 and 2 passed
BLD17-00361 FIRE-Final Inspection7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 11:48:25 AMPPASS
life safety passed
BLD14-03434 FIRE-Final Inspection7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 11:22:36 AMACANC
Kelly did not have approved plans. Phone #: ###-####
FIR17-00358 INSP-Final Inspection7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 11:22:12 AMAPASS
Life safety passed
FIR15-00564 INSP-Final Inspection7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 9:34:10 AMAPASS
permit finaled
FIR17-00354 INSP-Final Inspection7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 9:14:28 AMAFAIL
Provide as builts to plan review showing the actual heads installed and the additional head that is needed under the tank. Provide the two additional hangers as discussed.
FIR16-00284 INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in7/6/20177/7/20177/7/2017 7:24:14 AMAPASS
First floor north corridor soffits are ok to cover and the south building Guest Room