Inspections for the day of: Friday, January 10, 2014.
Number of inspections: 10
Percentage of inspections complete: 100 %
Percentage of inspections not complete: 0 %
Contact Information
InspectorTroy Cobbley
Phone #794-9483
Permit NumberDescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDisposition 
FIR14-00027 INSP-Conference1/10/20141/10/20141/10/2014 3:45:18 PMPDONE
I deferred steve to Lee for guidance on the existing manual pull stations.
BLD13-01321 FIRE-Final Inspection1/10/20141/10/20141/10/2014 3:44:01 PMPPASS
life safety passed
FIR14-00024 INSP-Final Inspection1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 3:20:37 PMAPASS
Permit finaled
FIR13-00672 INSP-Final Inspection1/10/20141/10/20141/10/2014 1:42:58 PMPPASS
Permit finaled
BLD13-03396 FIRE-Final Inspection1/10/20141/10/20141/10/2014 1:01:15 PMPPASS
life safety passed
FIR13-00712 INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 10:45:38 AMAPASS
Pendant head locations in relation to the duct work have been modified and are acceptable. Piping can be covered.
FIR13-00187 INSP-Alarm Testing1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 10:31:23 AMAPASS
Tested heat detectors in the Main building, north end.
BLD14-00012 FIRE-Final Inspection1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 9:43:33 AMAFAIL
Provide annual inspection for the fire extinguishers, provide semi-annual inspection for the kitchen hood suppression system, repair or remove the non-functioning exit sign.
FIR13-00715 INSP-Final Inspection1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 8:16:06 AMAPASS
permit finaled
BLD13-03387 FIRE-Final Inspection1/9/20141/10/20141/10/2014 8:15:11 AMAPASS
life safety passed