Inspections for the day of: Tuesday, April 2, 2019.
Number of inspections: 14
Percentage of inspections complete: 100 %
Percentage of inspections not complete: 0 %
Contact Information
InspectorAndy J. Long
Phone #794-8996
Permit NumberDescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDisposition 
ESC18-01760 BMP Violation4/1/20194/2/20194/9/2019 7:17:19 AMPPEND
ESC19-00283 General Inspection4/1/20194/2/20194/8/2019 11:24:14 AMPCANC
ESC18-01022 Conference4/2/20194/2/20194/4/2019 8:25:55 AMPDONE
Walk through inspection with RP conducted 4/2 AM

No trackout or discharges leaving site. Perimeter BMPs are in good condition, stormwater retained onsite. No construction activity. Site is revegetating and waiting for good conditions for installing road and sewer. Rough grading is complete.

Corrections to work on over next 2-3 weeks:

- schedule crew to remove orange safety fence and poles on ridge above Arrow Villa Drive
- make plan to restore areas of slope erosion, in particular at the bottom of ridge at subdivision at Eyrie Way and at the slope above Winter Camp @ Eyrie. Check to see if water can be diverted or retained with berms at top of slope to avoid running down steep slopes, rake out rills, repair damaged wattles, install more slope interupting wattles, investigate option to reseed, tacity, or use ECBs for stabilization of steep slopes.
- runoff from pre-existing drainage basins and sheet flow from parcels caused erosion of terraces on N side of Eyrie Way. Need to re-work berms on terraces and consider stabilizing/diverting/retaining water that runs on lots from surrounding draws.
- schedule pre-construction meeting with Superior Construction prior to mobilizing for infrastructure installation. Discuss construction access and staging area location.
ESC17-01168 General Inspection4/1/20194/2/20194/3/2019 12:25:50 PMPPASS
No ESC issues. BLD expired. Does not appeared document. ESC permit finaled.
ESC19-00092 General Inspection4/1/20194/2/20194/3/2019 12:23:48 PMPPASS
WIP on TI. Work area is clean and has perimeter sediment control. No trackout or discharges.
ESC18-00946 Conference4/1/20194/2/20194/3/2019 9:25:27 AMPDONE
3:30 with Damion

BMP installations have stopped the flow of runoff over the cut slope and are directing water down a lined shoot to Curling to prevent picking up sediment. Wattles installed at toe of slope have contained sediment that has eroded from hill. It has been found that there is too much flow in the Curling gutter to have any sediment controls downhill from project.

Corrections requested:
- clean out accumulated sediment from behind wattles at bottom of slope. Place dirt up hill out of concentrated flow or spread evenly in the rills & compact and track as best as possible.
- maintain silt fence and clean out mud captured
- make plans to stabilize slope/remove excess dirt dumped on slope below the building pad
- get permits issued (ESC inspector to check with plan reviewer)
- pay ESC fines by the end of the week.
- consult with Gatorguard installation team on proper installation of wattles where flap is exposed, allowing sheet flow to pass under wattle
- install sediment control or slope drain to direct water from upper terrace to the lined lower terrace so that the conveyed water is not turbid by the time it reaches the lining.
ESC18-00171 General Inspection4/2/20194/2/20194/2/2019 3:12:29 PM FAIL
corrections needed:

- fix downed section of silt fence.
- address erosion occuring above the water storage vault
- install energy dissipation at the roof drain outlet next to driveway.
- plan for landscaping and stabilization.
- change out DI bags.
ESC17-01070 Aging Inspection4/2/20194/2/20194/2/2019 3:10:44 PM CANC
to be finaled with BLD permit
ESC18-01102 BMP Violation3/29/20194/2/20194/2/2019 2:54:24 PMAPART
check for corrections

Site cleaned up. No sediment protection installed on storm drain.

Correction request to install sediment protection on storm drain in front of the house.
ESC18-00818 BMP Violation3/29/20194/2/20194/2/2019 2:49:19 PMAPASS
Gutter was swept. Installed DI sediment protection. Crew onsite picking up trash. No new corrections.
ESC18-00895 Site Final3/29/20194/2/20194/2/2019 2:39:30 PMAPASS
Home landscaped and occupied. Storm drain bag in front of home was taken out and replaced by coco bloksom mat.

ESC permit conditions satisfied.
ESC17-01287 General Inspection4/2/20194/2/20194/2/2019 12:21:26 PM PART
Crew picking up trash. Rooftop runoff directed to the back of the house away fromm disturbed slope. Crew picking up loose trash around site at time of inspection.

Request to remove silt fence that has fallen over. Sweep gravel and dirt out of street. Install wattle at bottom of stairs
ESC17-00121 General Inspection4/2/20194/2/20194/2/2019 8:08:27 AM CANC
ESC17-01484 Aging Inspection4/2/20194/2/20194/2/2019 8:08:05 AM CANC