Inspections for the day of: Monday, September 16, 2013.
Number of inspections: 7
Percentage of inspections complete: 100 %
Percentage of inspections not complete: 0 %
Contact Information
InspectorTroy Cobbley
Phone #794-9483
Permit NumberDescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDisposition 
BLD13-01276 FIRE-Final Inspection9/16/20139/16/20139/17/2013 10:32:23 AMPPASS
Life safety passed
FIR13-00359 INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in9/16/20139/16/20139/16/2013 3:18:20 PMPFAIL
Several locations need the tenting modified to provide coverage of the sprinkler piping.
BLD12-01951 FIRE-Final Inspection9/13/20139/16/20139/16/2013 2:40:44 PMAFAIL
Mount the fire extinguisher at the front exit as discussed. Repair the exit signs and emergency lights. Re-orientate the one by the coolers as per the red lined approved plans. Provide building address.
BLD12-00382 FIRE-Final Inspection9/13/20139/16/20139/16/2013 2:11:46 PMPPART
The "Sales Tower" and "Scion" area life safety passed
BLD13-01813 FIRE-Final Inspection9/13/20139/16/20139/16/2013 1:18:13 PMAPASS
Life safety passed
BLD13-01313 FIRE-Final Inspection9/13/20139/16/20139/16/2013 10:25:58 AMAFAIL
Inspection turned into more of a conference. Sprinkler coverage is required in the new "cart storage" area and may possibley require fire alarm notification. One ceiling mount horn/strobe immediately to the east of this room is overspaced.
BLD13-02232 FIRE-Final Inspection9/13/20139/16/20139/16/2013 9:55:37 AMAPART
A temporary occupancy is give until the repair or remove the non-required exit signs, provide single action hardware on one of the two exits and provide the address in a contrasting color.