Information based on query as of Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Permit Information
Permit NumberFIR14-00638
Site Address 1004 W ROYAL BLVD
Project NameRivers Edge Apartments
Customer Number 
Quick Permit
New 6"x26' C-900 pipe, fittings and thrust blocks.

RIVER EDGE APARTMENTS - WEST WING) (x-ref expired permit BLD12-00320) The west wing consists of four floors of 29,546 sq. ft. each, a total area of 118,184 sq. ft. with (84) dwelling units [(16)-2-BR apartments (4 per floor) and (68) - 4BR apartments (17 per floor)]. All 2-BR units exceed 800 Sq. ft. in area and all 4-BR units exceed 1,100 sq. ft. in area. The east and west wings of the residential floors are divided by a 2-hour fire wall / horizontal exit assembly, extending from the top of 3-hour concrete floor to the underside of the roof deck sheathing, with fire retardant plywood deck extending 4 feet on each side of fire wall in place of a parapet. The dwelling units are separated from the parking area on the 1st level by a 3-hour fire-resistive horizontal floor/ceiling assembly. This allows the parking garage and the residential units above to each be considered as a separate building for code compliance. The installation of an NFPA 13 fire sprinkler system is required throughout this building and is used for allowable area increase and for an additional story. All construction shall be per the approved plans, red-lined notes and all attached plan reviewer's comments / conditions reports. drs DRH12-00013, CUP11-00090, CFH11-00036
Contact Information
See Activities list for contact information
Show Inspection Activities Only
DescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDispositionAssigned To 
INSP-Final Inspection8/14/20158/14/20158/14/2015PPASS
DetailsThomas Walsh
Hydrostatic pressure test of the FS U/G supply line from the city connection to the A/S riser manilfold (200 psi @ 2hrs) PASSED
Also hydrotested the bulk supply line to all of the building standpipe risers (200 psi @ hours) - PASSED.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in/Hydro8/12/20158/13/20158/13/2015ACANC
DetailsThomas Walsh
Not ready for FS U/G test today - Will reschedule for tomorrow.
NOTE: This test will also hydrotest all of the standpipe risers in the building.
INSP-Supply line flush7/1/20157/2/20157/1/2015APASS
DetailsThomas Walsh
FS U/G supply line flush test. Flushed clear after 2 attempts.
NOTE: FS U/G still requires hydrostatic pressure test.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in5/27/20155/28/20155/28/2015APART
DetailsThomas Walsh
Second floor west unit soffits inspections, including units 221, 222, 223, 224, 229, 233,. Also fourth floor west units - all units on this side.
Also inspected trash rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors - east and west sides for rough in of trash chute interior sprinklers.
Several hangers needed work/replacement and all were repaired/replaced prior to the end of the inspection.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in4/17/20154/20/20154/20/2015ACANC
DetailsKatie Marron
Wrong permit number for intended inspection. Inspection for 3rd floor east wing not underground. Inspection completed under correct permit number.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in/Hydro4/16/20154/20/20154/20/2015ACANC
DetailsKatie Marron
Wrong permit number for intended inspection. Cancelled per conversation with contractor.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in4/16/20154/17/20154/17/2015ACANC
DetailsKatie Marron
Wrong permit number requested for inspection. Inspection intended for overhead work not underground.
DetailsKatie Marron
Phone conversation regarding concealed spaces.
INSP-Sprinkler Rough-in11/10/201411/12/201411/12/2014APART
DetailsForrest France
UG fire supply line from the point of connection to the ductile riser completed. *NOTE- contractor has installed retainer in place of thrust blocking at the 90.
Plan assigned to (Tim)9/3/2014 9/3/2014 DONE
DetailsTim Frost
Sprinkler Plan Check9/3/2014 9/3/2014 PASS
DetailsTim Frost
Please, see attached comments.
1st review completed  9/3/2014 PASS
DetailsTim Frost
DetailsTim Frost
Permit Ready to Issue  9/3/2014 DONE
Issue and Print Permit  9/3/2014 DONE
Inspection Record Card- Fire9/3/2014 9/3/2014 DONE
DetailsKristal Soland
Application received  8/29/2014 DONE
Application submitted via PDS Online on Aug 29 2014 10:05AM