Information based on query as of Sunday, March 30, 2025.
Permit Information
Permit NumberFIR14-00890
Site Address 1004 W ROYAL BLVD
Project NameRiver Edge Apartments
Customer Number 
River Edge Apartments Complete Installation of Fire Alarm FACP, Nac's Smoke, Heat, horn/strobes, strobes, Manual pulls,Wiring. Associated with building permit BLD13-02423.
Contact Information
See Activities list for contact information
Show Inspection Activities Only
DescriptionReceivedRequestedCompletedAM/PMDispositionAssigned To 
INSP-Final Inspection8/19/20158/20/20158/20/2015APASS
DetailsThomas Walsh
Completed fire alarm testing today, including a full test of the 5th floor corridors, and units.
Records of Completion paperwork filled out, signed off and submitted to the office.
NOTE: Some work in the building continues, that may cause dust (cleaning, sweeping, etc.). Contractor was advised to take necessary steps to prevent false alarms.
INSP-Alarm Testing8/17/20158/17/20158/17/2015PPART
DetailsThomas Walsh
Completion of fire alarm testing for floors P/G up to the 4th floor.
Tested two atic DP valves to ensure tied into exterior bell - OK
Tested Elevator # 1 recall, shunt trip, and activation of 5th floor smoke guard door - all tested OK. Retested two (2) strobe devices in P/G that did not work last test - tested OK
This test completes fire alarm system, up through the fourth floor.
INSP-Alarm Testing8/16/20158/16/20158/16/2015PPART
DetailsThomas Walsh
Continued testing of fire alarm system, following troubles encountered last inspection. Tested all floors general alarm and individual units for all floors - all tested satifactorily. Tested notification in parking garage - found two strobe units that were not operating. Tested 5th floor common areas - units not ready for testing.
Elevator #1 5th floor SDs, and HD not tested - problem with smoke guard unit. Dry pipe valves on the 5th floor need to be tested to confirm ext. bell is connected.
Confirmed off site monitoring and receipt of alarms - also proper address confirmed.
Fire alarm system is complete up to the 4th floor, except as noted above.
INSP-Final Inspection8/15/20158/15/20158/15/2015PPART
DetailsThomas Walsh
Fire alarm test for River's Edge Apts. All fire sprinkler systems (dry and wet), tested, including water flow, tampers, trip test of dry pipe valves, low air alarms, etc. All fire sprinkler systems tested satisfactorily. ested other initiating devices for elevator functions - recall, alt. recall shunt trip for both elevators. Elev. # 1 could not verify shunt trip - no access to heat detector. Tested MP, and other SDs for door holders, SFDs, etc.
Noted a circuit problem with unit sounders not sounding. Contractor agreed to troubleshoot before resuming testing.
NOTE: Parking garage notification not tested this visit.
INSP-Final Inspection8/13/20158/14/20158/14/2015ACANC
DetailsThomas Walsh
Fire alarm testing not performed today. The contractor needed time to hunt down a few ground faults and other trouble signals that were on the FACP. Fire sprinklers were being put into service throughout the day.
By the end of the day, all GFs and troubles were cleared, and the final dry pipe system was being put on line. Contrator agreed to pretest what he could before our inspection tomorrow (8/15).
INSP-Final Inspection8/13/20158/13/20158/13/2015PCANC
DetailsThomas Walsh
Talked to alarm contractor and told him that we cannot start fire alarm testing, until fire sprinkler systems (dry and wet) are ready for testing, which should be another day or so as hydrotesting and air testing of systems is currently being performed. If all the hydrotests and air test pass without problems, then the sprinklers can be made ready for flow testing, tampers, trip test of DP valves, etc.
INSP-Final Inspection8/12/20158/13/20158/13/2015ACANC
DetailsThomas Walsh
As early as possible Phone #: 2089414511 >> Inspection requested via mobile web by Nathan Price Inspection cancelled via mobile web on Thursday, August 13, 2015.
DetailsForrest France
On site conference with contractor regarding SA locations at living units, NFPA 72 guidelines, plan review comments, and two way communication per IBC requirements.
Permit Ready to Issue  12/11/2014 DONE
Issue and Print Permit  12/11/2014 DONE
Inspection Record Card- Fire12/11/2014 12/11/2014 DONE
DetailsChristina Prado
1st review completed  12/10/2014 PASS
Alarm Plan Check12/10/2014 12/10/2014 PASS
DetailsLee G Meredith
Plans approved with review comments. Projectdox updated.
Application received  12/9/2014 DONE
Application submitted via PDS Online on Dec 9 2014 9:50AM
Plan assigned to (Lee)12/9/2014 12/9/2014 DONE
DetailsLee G Meredith